System Access for 学生
You will need a username and password before you can access any of the following systems. Help Accessing 学生 Computer Systems
- 邮箱 (Access your Email)
- 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》杂志 - Register and Access your Records
- 网站Brightspace - access to courses effective Summer 2023 and thereafter
- 变焦
- Office 365
- 打印服务
- Access Network Shares/Drives (H:, G:, etc.)校外
- YuJa
Technical support for current students, including mobile and wireless assistance, is provided by the Computer Learning Center.
Enrollment Help Hotline
New and enrolled students who need help navigating the enrollment process may complete the student enrollment help web form.
This hotline is staffed from 8 a.m. 到下午4点.m. each weekday by members of our college community who can assist you or help you find the information you need.